Veserkal near the future of engineering
On April 20th, Veserkal attended, together with fourteen entities and companies related to different aspects of the world of engineering, the 2nd Fòrum Universitat Empresa, organized by the Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria from Manresa.
Veserkal attended this event as the only company representing the region of Berguedà, with the aim of make themselves known to the academic world, mainly among those students who are pursuing degrees in mechanical engineering, industrial and automatic electronic engineering, as well as degrees in engineering of ICT systems.
For Veserkal it is very important to be present at this type of conferences because, on the one hand, it allows us to give visibility to our business philosophy and our work dynamics, and at the same time brings us closer to first-hand knowledge of university trends, a space in which future professionals who may, someday, become part of Veserkal team are being forged.
For all these reasons, in recent years Veserkal has closely collaborated with UPC Manresa, incorporating students into internships on a regular basis. The result of this collaboration is clearly reflected in our company, since a big part of our current staff was trained in this university center.
We want to thank the Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Manresa for the invitation to attend this meeting and we look forward to continuing to collaborate with them in the face of the new challenges facing the future of engineering.