
Diseñamos, desarrollamos y construimos maquinaria específica destinada a líneas de producción y de envasado de productos, aumentado la rentabilidad de los procesos productivos de nuestros clientes.


Veserkal reaffirms its agreements to produce batch solutions

Undoubtedly, the process of internationalization of a company is both very comprehensive and complex. For this reason, Veserkal has an international development strategy that has enabled us to successfully overcome all those situations that we have to face during this process.

Over the years, we have got great flexibility and management capacity, some entrepreneurial qualities that have helped us achieve some of our more ambitious goals.

We have incorporated new methodologies, techniques and processes to our production model. As a result, we have the necessary capacities to assume international projects of different nature. A good example is that we have established a trade agreement with a leading German company involving batch production, which has been possible thanks to the knowledge, experience and skills that our team has, among other achievements.

Our production system allows us to produce a wide range of custom-built solutions. However, this method requires the involvement of different departments, something we value very positively, since multidisciplinary work allows us to rethink and constantly update our products.